In extreme and demanding physical activities such as the ones that military forces, emergency organizations, sports and other similar ones that require a special daily nutrition, we have created scientifically a wide range of food products called campaign rations.
Each one consists of several products of nutritive types, thermo stabilized meals, long life bakery and food of high energetic levels (sweets, peanuts and hydrant beverages etc.)
Additional characteristics:

Waterproof/impermeable packaging
Low weight
They doesn´t require neither cooling nor cooking.
They can be of military and civil usage for emergency attention or humanitarian aid. They are of easy transport, storage, and consumption.

Forms of consumption
Food doesn´t require cooking procedures, it only needs to be heated for around 3 minutes until the water is hot or it can be exposed to the sun during five minutes in order to be consumed. Once the package is opened it should be consumed immediately in its entirety.
Meals Ready to Eat (MRE) are different sorts of dishes designed specially to cover the needs and tastes of each person. These dishes come in a presentation ready to be consumed and have a useful duration of two years from the moment of preparation. They don´t need cooling. Each unit comes ready in a package approved for food by the FDA (FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION) of the United States.

Long Life Bakery:
They are products made from recipes designed specially to cover high caloric requirements from someone exposed to long working shifts. Each unit comes ready in a package approved for food by the FDA(Food and Drug Administration) of the United States of America. These products have a lifespan of two years from the moment of preparation and packaging.
We are provided with a wide range of bakery products that come in personal portions among these are cookies, bread, and pies. Elaborated with raw materials of excellent quality and with wide quality control standards. These products are designed to meet consumer requirements, whether it is for fast consumption or whether the option is to fulfill the needs of a product of long duration.
Fresh Bakery:
They are products of short time consumption made from homemade recipes and with a high nutritive value.

We are provided with a wide production capacity within the parameters of a good manufacturing practice as well as solid experience in service companies with deliveries of more than 10,000 daily services. Cyclic menus are designed depending on the requirements. At present we attend to the supply of detention and prison centers fulfilling strict requirements of quality and nutrition.
Within our service line we offer catering for oil and mining companies and in general those that require food service in their casinos regardless of their geographical position. This food service of hot food consists of breakfast, lunch or dinner depending on the client’s needs.
We are also provided with the infrastructure in order to provide catering in hospitals, clinics and entities that demand strict handling of therapeutic diets. For this type of delivery we are provided with the infrastructure in order to support it logistically in regards to food, camps, hygiene and room service. For this type of delivery one is provided with the adequate means in order to support it logistically in regards to food.

In our service portfolio we are provided with a very special one: school (refreshments) snacks. These services are usually hired by the state in order to complement the children´s daily meal and whose ages range from 5 to 12 years.
Fifteen different daily menus are offered as minimum, that include an ideal nutritional balance for the child´s development; this includes dairy beverages, fruits, cereals and sweets.

Disasters caused by nature and social calamities are phenomenon’s that require immediate attention. In order to support this work we offer in the shortest amount of time as possible, humanitarian aid kits that contain food, components/ingredients and household items and designed according to emergency requirements.